Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Banana Bread Morning

Yesterday morning I baked, for the first time ever, banana bread. I decided to put chocolate chips in it because, in my opinion, chocolate makes just about everything a little bit more delish. It turned out pretty good too. I think I will leave the choco-chips out next time though. It is weird because I used my mom's recipe and it did not taste anything like hers(and I LOVE hers). is amazing how two people can follow the same recipe and get two different results. Anyway, making my own banana bread is one more thing on my list of things to do eventually that I can check off. I see lots of banana bread in the future for the Lee household.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Picture this:



This banana bread.

One pound of butter.

The scent of candles burning...the sounds of great conversation and kid noises in the background...and colbi on the radio.


Seriously, would you mind terribly if I ate all those chocolate chips outta there??? :)