Thursday, March 11, 2010

It has been 2 years ago today............

      3/11/2008  Christian 7 lb. 15 ounces  4 and half months old
Dear Christian,

Today marks the 2 year anniversary of the day you were able to leave the NICU.  After 4 and half months I stepped through those double doors with you in tow.  As soon as the doors closed behind us I just stood there, looking at you, and cried.  It was the first time I had truly been alone with you, my beautiful son.

I could not wait to get you in that blue outfit and snuggle you into your stroller with your very own soft, snuggly blanket.  Do you know that the blanket I wrapped you in that day was a gift from your Papa?  It is also your favorite one and you sleep with it every night.

Mommy and Daddy will always remember the 4 and half months you spent in the NICU.  I don't know if we will ever get to a point where the very thought of those days don't bring tears to our eyes. 

We thank God that you will have no memory of those days and what you endured.  There are many things though that we will tell you about when you are older.

Like these things:

YOU are a miracle.

YOU inspired doctors and nurses.

YOU proved that statistics do not matter.  GOD matters.

YOU are the strongest person I have ever known.

YOU are fearless.

YOU have eyes that have comforted me during the most trying times.

YOU are loved.

Mommy and Daddy love you so much, pumpkin nugget.  You make everyday an adventure for us!  We are so proud of you!

Mommy & Daddy

Thursday, March 4, 2010

March for Babies 2010

2009 March for Babies 

This year, on April 24, we will be gathering our Family Team together, aka "Christian's Peeps"  to walk in the March of Dimes annual "March for Babies" event.  Last year was a big success and this year we hope to surpass our goal from last year.

Even before having my own micro-preemie blessing of a son, I knew March of Dimes was a great cause.  I mean who doesn't want to support research for an organization that focuses on saving babies lives???  Then after having a baby born to soon and realizing, first hand, what a blessing the March of Dimes really is, my husband and I made a vow that we would ALWAYS support this organization.  

Here are a few reasons why the Lee Family loves the March of Dimes:

#1.  THEY HELPED SAVE OUR SON'S LIFE.  The impact of typing out that sentence goes beyond words.

#2.  THEY HELPED REMIND ME I WAS STILL A MOMMY WHILE CHRISTIAN WAS IN THE NICU.  They took a personal interest in my physical and mental well-being.  I had great support of family and friends but when your child is in the hospital for 4 and a half months, and you are there every single day, you find yourself spending a lot of time alone.  Alone, sitting by a tiny, precious child that you are not able to hold.  A child you have to ask permission before changing his diaper.  A child you are afraid to leave because each and every moment with him is so precious. 

The March of Dimes representitive, Jennifer, made a connection with Jason and I from the very beginning.  She checked on me and made sure I was remembering to eat and take care of myself.  They hosted a baby shower at a downtown restaurant for mom's of preemies.  She brought scrapbooking supplies every Tuesday to the waiting room, took pictures and had them printed so I would have them to use.  She provided me with all kinds of literature and NICU terminology. She brought in dinner on holidays for families with children in the NICU. She helped to make me an expert (self-proclaimed) on being a mommy to a preemie in the NICU.  She was a FRIEND.  She was such a BLESSING.  I will never, ever forget her.


#4.  WE THANK GOD FOR THE MARCH OF DIMES.  We did not plan on our son being born 14 weeks early.  No one does.  Premature babies are born every day.  When it happened to us we thanked God for the research they have done.  We thanked God for the many people who made donations that were able to support funding for their research.  The research that helped save Christian's life. 

I know that times are tough right now.  Our family has been struggling as well.   I ask though, if you are able, please donate to this cause.  Help our family reach it's goal.  Your donation is tax deductible.  We would love to have you walk with us on the 24th.  Email me  if you want to walk with us. 

To make a donation, click on the "sponsor me" button on my sidebar.  Every dollar truly does count.  Your support would mean the world to us.

We walk to honor our son, Christian, born 14 weeks too soon on Oct. 31, 2007.  He weighed 1 pound, 12 ounces and was 13 inches long.  We are always aware that each day truly is a blessing from God.
Holding my son for the first time, 7 days after he was born.  Words can not describe the feeling.
Thank you so much for your support. 
Let's all work together for a cause to ensure that one day all babies are born healthy.

The Lee's