Sunday, April 26, 2009

March for Babies 2009

Today We Rejoiced

Yesterday was the March of Dimes event "March for Babies" in Hermiston. Our Family Team "Christian's Peeps" raised at total of $846 for the March of Dimes. We were so happy to be able to reach our goal ($500) and then some. What an amazing feeling to be able to support an organization that had so much to do with the fact that Christian is alive and doing so well today.

Needless to say, it was also a day filled with emotion as we looked back over the last 18 months of our lives. Remembering a time when there was so many uncertainties. Remembering how tiny and fragile he was. Thinking of the Doctors, Nurses, and Staff at OHSU that we grew to love. Praising God that Christian is alive and joining us in the walk.

It still amazes us how far Christian has come, how far we ALL have come. And yet, somehow, I knew in my heart of hearts, from the very beginning, that we would be like this one day. We would have our son home, healthy and running, eating fishy crackers and smiling at us with a cheese coated face. I knew he would be spunky and charming and funny. I knew he would be home with us where he belonged. It was only a matter of time.

Sometimes now, I can't believe that was really the way we started out with Christian. Having a premature baby is not something that is ever planned for. We do know that it was God's plan for us. We were always meant to be parent's of a preemie. As scary as it was, we can not imagine it any other way. God is so good. ALWAYS. Even though we sometimes are uncapable of understanding the answers to "why things happen the way they do." We just have to trust and know that God loves us and everything is part of His ultimate plan for our lives.

We are so truly blessed to have the support of our family and friends. Having them join us in the walk was so very special to us. We had about 30 people walking for our team.

The March of Dimes had asked us to introduce Christian before the walk. It was our pleasure to thank everyone for their hard work and coming out to support the March of Dimes. We let them know how much the March of Dimes means to us. We choked up as we introduced our son and told them how far he has come. I think it was good for our community to be able to see a family, living within the community, that the March of Dimes has helped.

We would like to say "Thank You" to all of our family and friends and the generous people who have supported us from the beginning, as well as those who were inspired by Christian's story and donated money to help sponser us for our walk. The March of Dimes is an organization that we will proudly support for the rest of our lives. We look forward to having you walk with us next year! We can all work together to make sure that one day all babies are born healthy!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Christian with Edward Cullen Hair

Here is Christian with Edward Cullen hair. AND I KNOW you know who Edward Cullen is!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Walks to Remember

Last week when Christian was sick the weather turned absolutely gorgeous. He was still in his "cough till you hurl" stage but I thought some fresh air would do us good. Boy did it!

We loaded up the stroller with the basic essentials {fishy crackers and cheerios} and let Cleo hitch a ride in the basket underneath. She was such a good girl and never once tried to jump out.

Since then I have been trying to make it a point to go for a walk every {nice} day with Christian. I like to alternate the times of day that we walk and the location too. There are such differences between morning, afternoon, and evening walks.

In the morning, you have the sound of birds chirping and still need a sweater. The sun is gently kissing the flowers and the dew is still shimmering {I love things that shimmer} on the grass. There is a certain 'peacefulness' in the morning walk. It is my personal favorite time.

The afternoon walk presents the full sun on your face, it's warmth much appreciated on your skin {no sweater required}. It is the busy time of day. People are out and about their business. You send out smiles and friendly "hello's" as you pass by.

The evening walk presents beautiful lighting. There is usually the sounds of children playing in the streets. Even so, the quietness of the world is starting to return. The sun starts to turn in for the night, all the while casting a luminous glow upon the world.

We have come to rather enjoy our walks. They allow time to reflect on things and take in the beauty that surrounds us. There is so much beauty in the world. You just have to get out in it, you know?

Chubby Papa Has Arrived!

Christian's Chubby Papa showed up on Saturday night. He was already asleep so he was extremely surprised to wake up and see him the next morning. They snuggled together all morning. They watched Alvin and the Chipmunks and ate Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and NERDS {all before breakfast}.

The bond that Christian and his Papa have amazes me. My dad lives 10 hours away and so we visit every few months. He calls Christian several times a week and Christian LOVES listening to him on the phone. He knows it's his Papa calling to tell him he loves him. Whenever my dad arrives, Christian is drawn to him. There is no need for him to "warm up" to him. It warms my heart to watch them interact together.
I really like this picture {even though it's blurry}. They are 2 Peas in a Pod these two. :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Christian's 1st Cold

This past week has been a stressful one.

Christian got sick.

Being the parents of a preemie child, we are constantly taking preventative measures, in good faith, that our baby will stay healthy. AND I KNOW that all parents do their part to keep their child healthy {not just preemie children}. But keeping Christian healthy so he could 'survive' has been a reality of our lives since the day he was born.

That being said, we have always tried our very best to prevent Christian from catching a cold.

This means................

*buying hand sanitizer 40 ounces at a time and never leaving home without it.

*keeping him away from large crowds of people

* using shopping cart covers for our 'early morning' grocery runs.

*monthly injections of SYNAGIS that cost $2500 dollars a pop {and make my baby cry}

*wearing face masks all day when {Jason and I} are feeling "under the weather".

*keeping him away from small children during RSV season {October-April}

I am not complaining {although typing it out kinda feels like I am}. Honestly, we don't know any other way. It has always been in the back of my head that he was bound to eventually get sick. It has been a miracle that his first cold happened 13 months after bringing him home from the hospital. I am thankful for that.
When I first felt that he might be catching a cold I took him to his pediatrician. She checked him out and said all seemed to be fine but he may have the beginning of a viral cold. She gave a prescription for an antibiotic but told me not to fill it yet. She wanted me to call her if his symptoms increased. Three days passed and I knew that he had a cold for sure. So she agreed it was time to get him on antibiotics. Especially since he had surgery scheduled for that Friday.

So. A baby with a trach with a cold means extra suctioning, saline, lots of time on the mist machine. We even had to use oxygen for a few nights while he slept. Poor little guy had a dry cough. He would cough so much that he would throw up. I think I did at least 5 loads of laundry a day. I brought up his baby swing so he could sleep in it. He seemed to sleep better in an upright position.

Christian was scheduled for surgery on the 17th, in Portland, to check to see if he is ready to have the trach removed. I had to call them and reschedule. There was no way that I could have made the trip to Portland with Christian sick. So his surgery has been rescheduled for next month on the 14th.
I am happy to report that Christian is feeling better again AND that this {first}cold has come and gone. AND we survived just fine.