This year was extra special because we were not at home for Christmas last year so there were no decorations. And Christian received several sweet ornaments for his 1st Christmas from family and friends as well as strangers who donated ornaments to the NICU. I put a snowflake ornament on our tree that has a picture of Christian taken on the day after Thanksgiving last year. He barely weighed 2 pounds. His daddy was holding him for the very first time. That ornament has special meaning. It is a reminder of our miracle.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Our Christmas Tree
This year was extra special because we were not at home for Christmas last year so there were no decorations. And Christian received several sweet ornaments for his 1st Christmas from family and friends as well as strangers who donated ornaments to the NICU. I put a snowflake ornament on our tree that has a picture of Christian taken on the day after Thanksgiving last year. He barely weighed 2 pounds. His daddy was holding him for the very first time. That ornament has special meaning. It is a reminder of our miracle.
Christmas Bizarre
Christian really loves it when Grandma carries him like this.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving 2008!!!

Then Christian ate his turkey.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
This is for Chubby Papa
Friday, November 21, 2008
Christian crawling
This is Christian crawling around yesterday. He weighed in at 15 pounds 6 ounces on Tuesday when I took him in to get his Synagis shot. He has only gained 6 ounces in the last month. He eats a lot of food and formula but this little guy is always on the go. The doctor does not seem to be concerned about it. She says he is burning more calories now than ever before because he is so active.
NOTE: Usually when I record a video on my digital camera the sound does not come through. It has been a big mystery. BUT for some reason it worked this time so PLEEAAASSSE excuse my very HIGH PITCHED and annoying, excited voice that comes through on this video. Yes, it has been confirmed that I am a complete geek. Thanks!
Thursday, November 20, 2008

I am also thankful for my family and friends. All of us have our own triumphs and struggles that we are dealing with. Thank goodness we have each other to lean on. I am thankful for those shared cups of coffee, those games of monopoly or racko or triominos, the phone conversations and emails, the late night shared dinners, the smiles and the hugs, the prayers. I am thankful for YOU!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thank You
I would like to send out a love-filled "thank you" to everyone for all of your sweet comments, emails, and phone calls in response to my "worried" post. After many stressful conversations, tears of frustration, and unfortunate encounters with a person who clearly does not like her job, herself, or people in general (which I am not even going to get into that), I finally spoke with a kind woman at SSI this morning. Her name is Tia and she actually took time to listen to me. She answered all of my questions and was very willing to help.
Unfortunately, I was told that Christian no longer qualifies for his SSI benefits, although still considered disabled (temporarily), and he will lose his secondary medical coverage through the Oregon Health Plan on 11/30/08. We always knew, since the beginning, that Jason's income alone was too high to be considered for benefits. What we did not know was that the reason Jason's income did not matter before was that Oregon Health Plan is given automatically to a preemie baby during his/her first year of life (you still have to go through the application process and it is VERY difficult AND your baby has to be born at a low birth weight of 1 kilo or less I believe). Now that Christian is 1 he is no longer eligible for benefits.
I called our insurance and found out that Christian has more coverage left than we had expected. He still has about $175,000 left until he reaches his $1 million cap. The good news is that we are going through his insurance a lot slower now that he is out of the hospital. I feel a lot better after finding out that he still will have coverage for a while. I thought we were closer to the edge of being capped off.
Thank you all for being there for me when I was feeling so overwhelmed. And thank you Tia for realizing that I am a real person with a real family and a unique situation.

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
1. I am worried about my brother's current health issues.
2. I am worried that I won't be able to speak with someone about Christian's special needs at the Social Security Dept. who will be patient, willing to listen, and actually CARE about our unique situation.
3. I am worried that I only have until the end of this month to work through the appeal process that determines Christian's (temporary) disability and if I fail we will eventually have no insurance coverage for our son. I only found out last Friday that his secondary insurance will no longer be in effect as of 12-1-08. Our primary insurance has a 1 million dollar lifetime benefit cap, per person, which Christian has almost met.
4. I am worried that the state of Oregon will not deem Christian's situation as medically necessary for insurance coverage and we will have to eventually declare medical bankruptcy.
5. I am worried that someone I love very, very much has started smoking again and I fear that it will actually kill him. (You know who you are)
Lord, please hear my prayer. I need You Lord. I need Your help with these burdens. I am sorry that I am not better. I am not worthy of Your grace and love. I am sorry that I seek You more in times of need than I do in times when all seems right with the world. I know that You know me. I am Your daughter. You know my heart is Yours always. I am not perfect. I can not do anything without You, Lord. You are my strength. Please hear my prayer. amen
Banana Bread Morning
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Halloween 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008
Our Halloween Birthday Boy is ONE!