My baby brother, Matt, turned 19 on Sunday. I can not believe that he has grown up so quickly. I was in the 5
th grade when he was born and I remember telling everyone in "show and tell" that I had a new baby brother. He was always my little sidekick. He called me "sissy" and followed me everywhere. I would always sing him to sleep and when my mom would try to sing him to sleep he would say "Mom, can you get sissy to sing?" We still laugh about that. Now Matt has grown into a tall, handsome young man. He has his own place and an adorable girlfriend. My name has transcended from "sissy" to "Sis".
My baby brother gives the BEST hugs. When I was rear-ended one night coming home from work, he came to my rescue and met me with a giant hug. When little Christian pulled his
trach out, he came over right away, with arms
outstretched. Man, did I need a hug too! He is the best.

I made him a homemade caramel cheesecake with a chocolate cookie crust. It turned out pretty good too. These candles were pretty cool. You can not tell in the picture but they are sparkler candles.
Happy Birthday Matt! Love Sis
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