I love watching Christian sleep. He looks just like an angel. Lately he takes brief "power naps" throughout the day and then sleeps all through the night. Just like a big boy!

Christian's favorite things right now are:
1. His Turkey which he loves to sleep with. It's really soft and he likes to hold the wings in his hands.
2. His excersaucer that he likes to go wild in. He moves all around and pounds on the buttons that play music. He is very musical these days!
3. His pacifier or "binki-wink" is what it's called in our house.
4. His Daddy (doing anything) but this last weekend Christian wanted nothing more than to help daddy "win" his xbox game by helping him push the buttons. :)
5. Bath Time. Christian absolutely LOVES his bath! I put in his rubber ducky but he is hardly interested in it. He is more about laying back and enjoying his soak!

He is such a beautiful.....ooops.....Handsome boy!!! His smile melts my heart!
We love you guys!!
Grandpa Jeff says hmm no pictures with his Grand son on this site what did he do wrong?
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