Today We Rejoiced

Yesterday was the March of Dimes event "March for Babies" in Hermiston. Our Family Team "Christian's Peeps" raised at total of $846 for the March of Dimes. We were so happy to be able to reach our goal ($500) and then some. What an amazing feeling to be able to support an organization that had so much to do with the fact that Christian is alive and doing so well today.

Needless to say, it was also a day filled with emotion as we looked back over the last 18 months of our lives. Remembering a time when there was so many uncertainties. Remembering how tiny and fragile he was. Thinking of the Doctors, Nurses, and Staff at OHSU that we grew to love. Praising God that Christian is alive and joining us in the walk.

It still amazes us how far Christian has come, how far we ALL have come. And yet, somehow, I knew in my heart of hearts, from the very beginning, that we would be like this one day. We would have our son home, healthy and running, eating fishy crackers and smiling at us with a cheese coated face. I knew he would be spunky and charming and funny. I knew he would be home with us where he belonged. It was only a matter of time.

Sometimes now, I can't believe that was really the way we started out with Christian. Having a premature baby is not something that is ever planned for. We do know that it was God's plan for us. We were always meant to be parent's of a preemie. As scary as it was, we can not imagine it any other way. God is so good. ALWAYS. Even though we sometimes are uncapable of understanding the answers to "why things happen the way they do." We just have to trust and know that God loves us and everything is part of His ultimate plan for our lives.

We would like to say "Thank You" to all of our family and friends and the generous people who have supported us from the beginning, as well as those who were inspired by Christian's story and donated money to help sponser us for our walk. The March of Dimes is an organization that we will proudly support for the rest of our lives. We look forward to having you walk with us next year! We can all work together to make sure that one day all babies are born healthy!
1 comment:
OMGosh- ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY FOR SURE (and don't forget the 5 additional who were too lame to get in the picture- lol). Christian is such a HUGE blessing to everyone who meets or hears about him. You guys are a picture of faith and challenge. I'm so blessed to know you and walk this walk of life by your sides.
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