Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Wallowa Lake Camping Trip

We went camping at Wallowa Lake for Memorial weekend.  The kids and Jason had a blast.  I had a pretty good time.  Let me just say that camping is not exactly my idea of a {great} time.  I am more of a "stay in a cabin" girl.  It was our first time camping and with 2 little ones it was quite the adventure. 

The kids thought that sleeping in a tent was a super-fun filled time.  They enjoyed jumping on the air mattress and bouncing off the walls of the tent.  I am pretty sure that our tent kept the other campers and all of the wildlife within a 10 mile radius wide awake.

We were within walking distance to the lake and it was absolutely gorgeous.  There were lots of people fishing and catching them too.

Jason and Christian rode the bumper boats and Go-Karts.  My camera batteries died just before the Go-Karts so I did not get any pictures.  I will never forget the HUGE smile on their faces though. I am pretty sure Christian thinks his Daddy is THE COOLEST!!!

Christian and Jason went hiking while Sophie and I tended to camp.

We stopped and took a picture in the famous chair.  :)

Little Lucy is a way better camper than I am.  We stayed one night instead of two.  It was really super duper cold.  We spent two whole days at the lake.  I say it went well for our first trip.  I know there will be a lot more camping in our future.  I know it is important for Jason and the kids and even more important that I learn to enjoy it too (or at least fake it really well!) 

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