Monday, December 14, 2009

Hello, It has been awhile......

I can't seem to get into posting on my blog lately. It has turned into a once a month thing and I am not going to beat myself up for that. For now, once a month is okay with me. :)

Here are 15 things (in summary) that I could have posted about but didn't:

1. My camera is on the fritz. I am sad to say that I don't think it ever fully recovered from the dip it took in the creek at Jubilee Lake this summer. I have been taking less pics and just enjoying those special moments, storing them in my memory instead of my hard drive.

2. Our tv went out last night. We have only had it for a year. Good thing we bought the warranty. I am one of those gals that usually always has the tv on for background noise. This time of year I have on whatever cheesy Christmas movie I can find. I don't sit and watch them, I just listen to them as I go about my day. I LOVE cheesy Christmas movies......Jason doesn't.

3. Christian weighs over 22 pounds now! He is also sprouting up. I think he will be as tall as his daddy (at least). He is on his 2nd peanut butter and jelly sandwich as I type this! He is such a big boy now and I can hardly believe how far he has come, how far we all have come. I am brought to tears each time I think about it. God is so good.

4. I cooked Thanksgiving dinner for my mom, brothers and their wives this year. It was a lot of fun. We played Rock Band later in the evening and I discovered a hidden talent....I rock at Rock Band! Jason and I are going to save money next year and buy it. So much fun! Christian loved it too. :)

5. This Thursday we are traveling to OHSU in Portland to meet with 2 Speech Pathologists' and Dr. Milczuk. We are going to learn some useful tools to work on with Christian to help him to vocalize. I am so happy that Jason will be able to go with us for these appointments. (Since I started writing this post we have cancelled these appts., due to weather, and will be going down the end of January)..

6. Jason has been laid off since November and it does not look like he will return to work until sometime in January. It has been so wonderful having him home. He has done several little projects around the house and keeps plenty of wood chopped up so that our fireplace stays nice and toasty. I love having him home!

7. We are on a serious budget. We put ourselves on a budget at the end of summer to help prepare us for this winter layoff. Now that Jason is actually laid off though, we are on a serious budget because we have to be. As weird as it sounds, I actually like it!

We see exactly where our money is going, not buying things we don't need, and most importantly we are utilizing the things we already have. I am getting creative with the meals I prepare. We squeeze ALL of the toothpaste out of the tube. I said "no thanks honey" when my sweet husband offered to take me to see "New Moon" in the theater. I dug into my hall closet and found bottles of shampoo and conditioner, shower gel, face wash, all needing to be used. How long have those been in there? When wrapping gifts this year, I used ribbon and wrapping that has been hanging out for years in my Christmas stash. I hosted an At Home America party in November and earned lots of FREE stuff that I was able to give away for Christmas gifts.

We have also realized how easily we could be debt-free if we stuck to a budget like this once Jason starts working again. That has got us very excited! We have a great feeling about 2010.

8. I really, really miss my Dad so much and wished he lived closer. The holidays are tough when loved ones are so far away. Love you dad!

9. Last night I watched Four Christmases and laughed really hard. That movie got such harsh reviews.............I loved it!

10. I have had great success with my Scentsy business and I am really enjoying it. :)

11. Our car is actually washed, waxed and snuggled into our garage! Anyone who knows us knows this is a BIG deal. Way to go Jason!

12. Four of the five fish died in our pond last month and all on the same day. Found out I was supposed to stop feeding them once the weather turned cold because their bodies can not digest the protein in their food when it is cold. One fish survived though. We named him "Lucky" (seemed fitting) and he now resides in a large garbage can in our garage. We are hoping he makes it through the winter so he can swim in the pond in the spring.

13. We put our Christmas tree up the Saturday after Thanksgiving this year. Christian has been very good not to touch it. He stands by it with his hands behind his back and looks at all the lights and ornaments. It is very sweet.

14. Christian is doing very well with his signing. He now signs: milk, more, cracker, sorry, please, wash hands, play, tired, mama, dada, I love you, eat, cereal, water, drink. We are working on thank you, grandpa, grandma, and many more words. :)

15. All Christmas shopping is done, wrapping is done, decorating is done, packages have been mailed. I have done some baking too! Now I just need to send out Christmas cards. :)

Happy Holidays!

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