I celebrated my 30th birthday today and I just would like to say that I feel fabulous about being 30!!! I mean, I was not dreading this birthday one bit, in fact, it was the most fun {weekend} I have had. AND......do you see this HUGE CHOCOLATE CAKE I am holding??? This was the best cake ever and it was made from scratch by my beautiful friend, Lisa. If I had even a little depression about turning 30 this cake would have made it go away! It was soooooo good!

Saturday morning I had my Silpada Open House and as a hostess I earned $350 in FREE jewelry!!! Happy Birthday to me....Happy Birthday to me........can you sense my excitement???? Shela brought all kinds of yummy food and stiff drinks! She created such a lovely array of FUN jewelry that I just had to take a photo. Here it is:
Then later that afternoon we had a Birthday BBQ at the park. It was a great way to celebrate this milestone in my life. I was surrounded by my wonderful family and the best of friends. The food was delicious and it was a beautiful day.

My birthday weekend started out with a girl's night out on Friday night. We went to Cedar's in Kennewick and had drinks and watched the sunset. Once the sun went down we moved inside and shared laughs and yummy chocolate covered desserts! I am not afraid to admit that when nine o'clock rolled around my eyelids were feeling a little heavy. I could try to blame it on the lemon drop I was drinking but I will just be honest....staying out late is just not my thing anymore and I am totally OKAY with that! We did end up staying out till about 11:30 though.
I would like to personally thank all of my sweet family and dear friends for making this birthday so special for me. I truly am a blessed girl for having all of you in my life! I love you! I am excited to see what my 30's will bring! I have no doubt that the best is yet to come. :)
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