Last weekend was jam packed with fun. Thursday morning my friend Misty took Christian and I to the Columbia Crest Winery so she could pick up some wine for a wedding she is in. And she has been telling me that they have the best wine she has ever tasted. So we went and I tasted it and actually liked it. I have never found a wine that I have liked before so I was very excited to find not one but 2 wines and bought a bottle of each. Maybe, since I am 29, my pallette has matured and I have finally developed a taste for it. I had to take tiny sips, while testing, because I am not a "drinker" and could already feel my head getting light.
The ladies that worked in the winery were so lovely. They doted on my little cutie (who wouldn't?) and told me that I reminded them of Drew Barrymore (I'll take that!) and that my beautiful friend Misty looked like Darrel Hannah??? I had to disagree on that one. When I think of Darrel Hannah (yes, I probably spelled her name wrong) I think of the Kill Bill movies and Misty looks nothing like that. Misty looks like Gweneth Paltrow~no joke. She is absolutely lovely. Anyway, I was also able to find some beautiful ornaments that I wanted to use for prizes for our Christmas Cookie Exchange Party.
Sabrina and Mason stayed with us on Thursday night. I made sure the guest bedroom was extracozy for them. They ate popcorn and watched The Santa Claus and then went to sleep.

This is how Emry feels about having company:

On Sunday, my mom and I hosted a Christmas Cookie Exchange Party that turned out to be a lot of fun. I made 6 dozen sugar cut-out cookies (from scratch) and they turned out pretty good (If I do say so myself). I was nervous because I had never made that particular kind of cookie before.
These are my sugar cookies.
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