He has had it in for 6 months now. He is making more sounds which is very encouraging. When we saw Dr. Milczeck on June 5th he said to make an appointment for sometime right after Labor Day. I have been trying to get that appointment scheduled since the beginning of June and was only able to finally get a date last week. He was scheduled for September 12th to have his bronchoscopy. Then I received a call the very next day from Dr. Milczeck's office saying that they needed to change the date because he couldn't do surgery that day. The next available date was October 10th. So that is when we take Christian back to Portland for Dr. Milczeck to take a look at his airway. It was extremely frustrating trying to get the appointment scheduled only to have the end result be an appointment nearly 2 months after the date Dr. Milczeck said he wanted to see Christian. At the same time he will have had the trach in nearly 8 months and that means extra time to heal and grow before they take a look at his airway. Jason and I are not expecting that Christian will be ready to have the trach removed, only hoping and praying that Dr. Milczeck sees improvement in his airway.
So that is the up to date news on the little Turkey!
Jason and I LOVE this picture!!! We think it is the funniest thing. Christian is obsessed with feet. He is always trying to grab peoples feet and this picture shows him touching his daddy's foot (which was clean by the way, well as clean as a foot can be I guess!) and he was so tickled! It was like he felt like he had accomplished something. All those failed attempts of trying to get his dad's foot before and now finally he has dad's foot in hand! We think it is the cutest pic ever!
Okay, so was this post a total jynx or what? tee-hee
And as far as the weight category is concerned, I'd like to know where all these 'on target' babies are. My kids eat like horses and have always been in the 5th percentile for weight...lol!
look how big Christians feet are! He is getting so big...sad we don't get to be closer to share his growth and development...
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