I took a really long break from blogging. A lot of {life} has happened and thousands of pictures have been taken and I have missed out on writing it all down in this personal journal (that is also very much public). Tonight I had some free time. It doesn't happen often with 2 very active children. I went to my blog and looked back at my posts over the past few years. I laughed and cried. I am so thankful that I took the time to document those times in our lives. I decided that I really want to make the effort to post to my blog again. I can not let myself get worried over filling in the blanks of time from where I stopped posting to where we are now. I am going to start fresh from where we currently are in our lives.

The Lee family has been living and laughing, splishing and splashing, running and falling, walking and TALKING, bathing and swimming, smiling and loving. Since I last posted we have had birthdays and holidays, bruises and band aids, vacations and yard work, surgeries and speech therapy, new decks and luscious gardens, hair cuts and check ups, picnics and parties, new baby cousins and outside play structures. We have had car wrecks and trips to the ER (Jason both times), pictures and toothy grins, singing and dancing, hugs and sweet smooches. We are busy and happy and life seems so FULL right now. We are counting our blessings and enjoying our family.
How have you been?