1. I am pregnant!!!!! In fact, I am 22 weeks pregnant. I don't know why I have not posted about it before this. Surely, it deserves a post all in it's own. We found out last week that we will be welcoming a sweet baby GIRL in early September! Needless to say, we are already IN LOVE with her and very excited. I will post more about this later.
2. Jason has been back to work for about 2 months now! Thank goodness. This has been an answer to prayers. He is working for a company out of Kennewick and is really enjoying it.
3. Christian is growing, growing, growing, and continues to amaze us each and every day. Right now he is soooooo into Alvin & The Chipmunks, playing outside, experimenting with water colors, books, books, books, and cars, cars, and more cars. :) He brings surprises and smiles and continues to make each day an adventure!
4. Christian's surgery has been scheduled for June 9th. My mom is going to be able to go down there with us and be with us the entire time. I feel so much better knowing that I will have her there with me to help get through this. It will not be easy and I am scared. I keep telling Jason that it will probably go smoother than I can anticipate and Christian will be home before we know it, trach free, and learning to talk to us. I was scared when he had to get his trach placed and it ended up being (easier) than I had imagined. Praying constantly for my little guy and for the strength to be exactly the kind of mother he needs me to be through all this.
5. Jason celebrated his 26th birthday on May 1st. We had a bbq with family and friends. He is so handsome. LOVE this guy!
6. Jason rescued a lost dachshund last Friday. She had been hanging around the school he is currently working on for about a week. He was very concerned that something terrible was going to happen to her. She was filthy, hungry and tired. He called me and asked if he could bring her home and we would work on finding her owners. He bathed her and snuggled her and treated her like a princess. We called her Isabella. She was a super sweet dog, just like our own Cleo girl. She was a joy to have in our home.
She slept with Jason downstairs and did not ever let him out of her sight. The next morning, Jason got on line and miraculously located her owners. Come to find out her name is Zoey and she had been lost for over a week. Her owners had been trying every avenue they could think of to locate her. Can you believe Jason located them through and add they placed on Craig's list????
They picked her up that evening. They were extremely relieved and thankful for the care we gave their sweet dog. Jason and I were happy to be able to reunite the dog with her owners.
I am so proud of my husband. Most people would turn the other way and not give a second thought to helping out that dog, not him. He has a HUGE heart and this is just a small example of the kind of caring person he is. I know it was bittersweet for him to say goodbye to Zoey. They had already formed a special bond and we had decided that she would join our family if we were unable to locate her owners. All worked out the way it was meant to be. Here are a few pics of Zoey (she looks a lot like Cleo).

7. My dad is coming for a visit and will be here next week for 2 weeks!!!
8. I have been gearing up for another yard sale. I am having it in Hermiston at my friend Lisa's house. They get so much more traffic there and lets face it, yard sales are more fun when friends are involved!
9. We bought Christian his "big boy" bed and now just have to buy a mattress and set it up for him. We think he is going to love it!
10. I am so excited to start decorating the new nursery for our baby girl. I have some pretty great ideas and can already picture it perfectly in my mind.
Well there it is. A brief summary of the going-ons in our house lately....more to post about later. Now I am off to shake my booty with my little guy!