Thursday, January 29, 2009

I {heart} MORNINGS

Have I ever mentioned that my favorite time of day is early morning. NOT the waking up early part {I wake up every morning at 4:35} but the part after you wake up. :) Every morning my alarm goes off and me and my sleepy Prince Charming roll out of bed. This is a quiet process, usually with very few words spoken as we both walk in zombie-like fashion towards our destinations-his being the bathroom and mine being the kitchen. Every morning I fix 4 sandwiches to accompany whatever leftovers from the night before for Jason's lunch. He eats like a horse and I love him for it. Usually by the time the coffee is brewing I start to wake up. As I pour coffee with Irish creamer into Jason's travel mug and thermos, I usually think to myself "man, this coffee smells gooooooood!" and I pull out a cute mug and have myself a cup. I then turn on the kettle for the oatmeal. Jason eats 2 packets of oatmeal everyday for breakfast. His favorite is the apples and cinnamon {in case you were wondering}.

We sit at the kitchen table together as he eats his oatmeal and I sip my coffee. He checks out the news on MSN to find out what the Dow Jones is doing. This morning it was up a whopping 200 points which is good {I know you were wondering that too!} We talk about little things like what songs to put on his MP3 or our plans to pay off debt. All the while he is looking irresistible in his thermals and carharts, and I know I am the luckiest girl in the world. I also like that he knows that he is not the only one in our home waking up this early. I guess it is a small way for me to show my support of him working so darn hard for us.

Christian usually awakes shortly after his daddy heads off to work. We sit in the chair in the living room with a blanket. He eats a bottle and we snuggle. This is my FAVORITE part! We play and smile and laugh and it is awesome. He will sit on my lap as long as I want him to. He loves his mama and I love him. His smile lights my world.

I love how the early morning feels so fresh and quiet. I love how the light slowly fills my home as the sun begins to rise. Most of all I love those special moments I get to share with my guys when it seems like the rest of the world is still asleep.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

This has got to be one of the sweetest things I've read in a long while. I love that you get up {early} with your man and have grown to love it with him. You are an amazing wife and one HECK of a mama.

LOVIN' the little things! :)