This is Christian crawling around yesterday. He weighed in at 15 pounds 6 ounces on Tuesday when I took him in to get his Synagis shot. He has only gained 6 ounces in the last month. He eats a lot of food and formula but this little guy is always on the go. The doctor does not seem to be concerned about it. She says he is burning more calories now than ever before because he is so active.
NOTE: Usually when I record a video on my digital camera the sound does not come through. It has been a big mystery. BUT for some reason it worked this time so PLEEAAASSSE excuse my very HIGH PITCHED and annoying, excited voice that comes through on this video. Yes, it has been confirmed that I am a complete geek. Thanks!
THAT was caaaUte! How exciting. Time for a babygate :)
What a cutie and good boy. He didn't go for the water or dog food. p.s. can't figure out how to leave a comment...hope it works
that was shela. figured it out... only as anonymous:)
He's goin' pretty good! If you guys had carpet, he'd be all over the place. He wouldn't peel out as much- ha ha.
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