Happy 3rd Birthday Christian!
What you are doing at age 3:
1. You run very, very fast.
2. You love to play with the magnetic letters on the fridge.
3. You are all about playing with cars, trucks, and tractors.
4. Buzz and Woody are your buddies.
5. You still terrorize the dog and cat.
6. You have the BEST smile.
7. You give random hugs and squeeze extra tight.
8. You LOVE to eat canned chili and peanut butter sandwiches.
9. You sign "I love you" even when we don't say it first.
10. You still adore your bedroom and lay yourself down when you need a rest.
11. You really enjoy spending the night with your Uncle Casey.
12. You never forget to take your vitamins.....CARS gummies.
13. Sometimes you want to brush your teeth 4-5 times a day (and we let you!)
14. You ADORE your baby sister. I have never seen you be so gentle with anyone or thing. Now if only we could get you to be gentle with the dog. :)
15. You have started the potty training process.
16. You no longer hold still for mommy to take pictures.
17. You are awesome at vacuuming the house.
18. You keep your room neat and pick up your toys.
19. You feel the need to taste everything that mommy mixes with an electric mixer.
20. You are really interested in making funny faces in the mirror.
21. You like to pretend you are a puppy and eat off the floor.
22. You love to be outside.
23. You don't like to talk on the phone but you somehow know how to send text messages.
24. You love to wrestle daddy.
25. You will wake up from a deep sleep when you hear the garbage truck coming.....don't want to miss watching it.
26. You gently hit the windows with your toy guns to make them "bang" and you pretend to re-load.
27. You like to have your back tickled.
28. You love to wear boots.
29. You have a fondness of candy canes (like your mama)
30. You are an energetic, sweet boy.
Christian~ You continue to amaze mommy and daddy. Words can not express how much you mean to us and how grateful we are to have you as our son. We have been blessed beyond measure in this life and you are such a sweet gift from the Lord. I can't say enough how I feel so privileged to be your mommy. :)
I don't know the exact number of times you have had surgery since you were born. But this year you had 5 surgeries in Portland. Each time you were amazing and your recovery quick. You had your reconstruction of your airway in June and it was a tough one. The surgery itself was five hours and the recovery was rough. You were such a trooper (as always) and pulled through it with dimples shining. It was all worth it because you will be trach-free in the spring Christian!
You have been and ARE an inspiration for so many people and especially to mommy and daddy.
YOU are so loved my sweet boy!